Brittany Gunn of Grand Junction, a social worker at long term care at Greene County Medical Center, won the title of Miss Rodeo Iowa 2020 Sept. 8 in Fort Madison. The pageant took place in conjunction with the Tri-State State Rodeo.
Gunn won speech, Miss Congeniality, horsemanship, high written exam, and high ticket sales. She will travel the state of Iowa and the United States representing the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association and the Miss Rodeo Iowa organization.
Gunn sold 50/50 raffle tickets throughout her community and the winner of nearly $600 went to a Jefferson resident with the other half going to a scholarship fund. Gunn is excited to travel and experience an opportunity of a lifetime. She reminds others to always follow their dreams.
Growing up she was very involved in 4-H. She showed horses, cattle and rabbits. In 2013, she represented Greene County at the Iowa State Fair queen contest. She became involved with the Raccoon River Equestrian Drill Team in 2017 and 2018. She competed and won her first rodeo queen pageant in the fall of 2018.
Gunn will take over the title the beginning of January as the Miss Rodeo Iowa 2019 finishes her year competing for Miss Rodeo America in December in conjunction with the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. Gunn will compete for Miss Rodeo America in December 2020.
Hailey Tweedy won Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa 2020.
Gunn encourages others to follow the Miss Rodeo Iowa Facebook page or missrodeoiowa.org to stay up to date on events and her travels.
She thanked her parents Robin and Charles Gunn for always supporting her and many other friends and family. She also thanked her long term care family for allowing her to practice speeches and Raccoon Valley Radio for helping her prepare for the pageant.